24 hours have officially passed and our SMARTest season yet is almost over. Our six sleep deprived teams have done all they can to create their SmartScape solutions. All that’s left is for them to do is pitch to our Gurus and hope that they’ve done enough to take the title home. Here’s a brief look at the solutions that each house came up with -
Parikrama – SMART Fire Control
Parikrama was required to create a set of SMART safety features for a large shopping mall that can detect a fire and sound an alarm, displaying the fire’s location on public screens, showing emergency exit lights, notifying customers and employees about evacuation plans and emergency services while sharing the GPS location with the fire station for a large shopping mall.
Their solution, ‘Satark’ leveraged the power of the cloud to provide fire detection and prevention through the utilization of ultrasonic sensors and heat detectors. The solution provided capabilities such as vehicle detection, push notifications to mall employees, emergency exit locations and could communicate vital information along with individual GPS coordinates to local fire departments via a Flic. They also built a screen outside their model that could show vital statistics pertaining to the status of those inside the mall to rescue personnel.
Royal Brigade – SMART Store
Royal Brigade were tasked with enhancing customer experience for a new up-and-coming store in such a way that allowed for tracking energy consumption based on lighting and cooling, changing the fan speed based on room size and the number of people, tracking the product inventory based on pressure on the shelves, displaying temperature, and screening product advertisements when someone passes by a specific location.
Their solution was in the form of a SMART Store Manager geared towards optimizing energy consumption, providing security features and facilitating a better experience for customers. Royal Brigade’s SMART Store Manager allowed for the lighting and cooling systems of the store to be automated along with providing an admin portal from which to track key statistics. In addition to this, it provides inventory management utilizing sensors to keep track of product volume along with other products checked out and scanned at the counter. Geofencing is another key feature of the SMART Store Manger – utilizing an application that notifies customers in the store about offers and discounts. In terms of security, a Flic is used to trigger alarms and fire safety measures.
Spartans – SMART Farm
Spartans were required to create a SMART solution that enhances traditional agricultural practices by enabling controlled lighting for better growth of the plants, schedule watering based on the weather and fixed schedule, start/stop water pumps based on water levels, measure truck weight while leaving the farm with produce, maintain an appropriate temperature for the plants, and geofence livestock.
Their solution, 'Prathu Krashak' or SMART Farmer used cloud infrastructure combined with a mobile application to provide average farmers with a greater degree of control over their farmland. Through doing so Prathu Krashak is able to measure the content of moisture present in the soil, control greenhouse lights, play music to stimulate crop growth, track livestock, detect instances of fire and utilize Salesforce to account for what goes in and out of storehouses on the farm. The solution also allows farms to switch seamlessly between windmill power and state electricity power and provides information pertaining to climatic conditions in the immediate area.